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[June 1, 2023] University of Sandiego Faculty Visit to JITC 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기

On June 1, 2023, faculty members from the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies of the University of San Diego, as well as the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution of George Mason University Korea visited UNITAR CIFAL JEJU(JITC). During the visit, JITC and Jeju Peace Institute(JPI) introduced their activities, training programs, JPI peace programs and research projects.







미국 샌디에고대학 및 조지메이슨대학 한국분교 교수진이 2023.6.1. 제주국제연수센터와 제주평화연구원을 방문하여 연수프로그램 및 평화 연구현황에 대한 브리핑을 청취하고 의견을 교환하였다.


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