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As critical thinkers, change-makers, innovators, communicators and leaders, the young generation is increasingly engaging with each other on a number of platforms both online and offline. Provided with the necessary knowledge and opportunities needed to reach their potential, young people can be a driving force for promoting sustainability in this new era of globalization.

CIFAL Jeju / JITC organizes a number of programs including international youth workshops, forums, and Global Citizenship Education (GCED) to invite Korean foreign students alike to understand the commonality of the global issues and to become active promoters of more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, secure, and sustainable societies.

Jeju International Future Generation Forum
The Forum aims to foster youth global leadership by promoting actionable engagement in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. Participating young leaders take the in-depth discussion on up-to-date issues such as youth employment, education development and health and well-being. The youth are given unique opportunities not only to build collective minds but also to vitalize city diplomacy by building a hub of social networking through cultural exchange.

Jeju International Youth Forum
CIFAL Jeju organized Jeju International Youth Forum from 2016 to 2021 with the aim to promote Jeju to the world and to connect talented teenage youth across the globe. The event was conducted with a focus on strengthening the leadership skills of the talented young people, exchanging different perspectives on critical global issues and enhancing the cultural understanding of each other.

2017 찾아가는 세계시민교육 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2017.04.14

2017 찾아가는 세계시민교육


1. 목적
  • 세계시민교육 특강을 통해 제주도민이 세계시민으로서의 기본 소양을 이해할 수 있는 역량을 갖추도록 함
  • 세계평화의 섬 제주의 의미를 되새기고 사회 구성원으로서 각자의 역할을 실천할 수 있는 계기 마련

2. 대상
  • 제주도 내 정규 교육 시설(··고등학교, 대학교, 대학원), 공공 교육기관, ·도 공무원

3. 교육방법
  • UNITAR 제주국제연수센터의 강사진이 요청기관과 협의하여 주제를 선정 한 후 기관을 방문하여 특강 실시
  • 기관소개, 특강, 질의응답, 토론 등으로 구성

4. 신청기간
  • 상반기 특강(4~6) : 4/10~4/28
  • 하반기 특강(7~12): 4/10~6/30
   * 상반기 및 하반기 각 5개 기관 선착순 마감 예정

5. 신청방법
  • 본 게시물의 첨부 양식 다운로드 후 이메일(로 신청서 제출 
  • 전화문의 064-735-6586

6. 강연주제 예시




젊은이여 세계로(외교관 꿈)


공공외교... 제주 도민은 무엇을 할 수 있을까?


유대인은 어떻게 노벨상을 휩쓸까?


덴마크는 어떻게 행복 1위 국가가 되었을까?


기후변화 대처와 제주도의 역할


장애인의 스포츠 권리 증진


스포츠를 통한 평화증진과 경제개발


중국의 발전 목표와 대외관계


복잡한 중동 쉽게 알기


세계시민교육의 이해


지속가능발전목표의 이행과 참여

* 위 주제 외에도 협의 후 조정 가능


2017 Social Inclusion Lecture on Global Citizenship Education


1. Objective

  • To equip Jeju citizens with capacity to understand basic knowledge on global citizenship through Global Citizenship Education (GCED).

  • To make an opportunity to remind and practice the respective roles of citizens of the Island of World Peace.


2. Target

  • Education facilities(Elementary, Middle, High School, College, Universities, and Graduate School), public education institutes, and government officials of Jeju City and Jeju Province


3. Method

  • UNITAR CIFAL Jeju(Jeju International Training Center)s lecturers will discuss with the applicants to decide on the subject and then visit the institute for the lecture

  • The components are: Introduction of UNITAR Cifal Jeju, lecture, Q&A, and discussions


4. Application Period

  • First Half (April to June) : April 10th to April 28th

  • Second Half (July to December): April 10th to June 30th

    * 5 applicantions will be accepted in each half


5. Registration

  • Contact#: 064-735-6586


6. Subjects of the Lecture




Youths to the World (Dream of Becoming a Diplomat)


Public Diplomacy... What can Jeju Citizens do?


How Jewish People Sweep the Nobel Prizes?


How Denmark became the World’s Happiest Country?


Climate Change and the Role of Jeju


Sports and the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


Peace Building and Economic Development through Sports


China’s Development Goals and Foreign Relations


Intelligible Explanation on Middle East


Understanding the Global Citizenship Education


Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and Participation

* Other subjects may be discussed



Jeju International Training Center affiliated with UNITAR ㅣ 227-24, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63546 Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-64-735-6585 ㅣ FAX : +82-64-738-4626 ㅣ E-mail :

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