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Economic development is one of the main drivers toward achieving sustainable development. Under the 2030 Agenda, its scope has drastically expanded to include the concept of inclusive and just economic growth. Thus, the focus of economic development has moved from ‘how much developed’ to ‘how well developed’. In this new paradigm, ensuring a concerted participation has become one of the most important criteria for sustainable development.

Likewise, CIFAL Jeju/JITC has expanded its scope of workshops to include various aspects of economic development, such as sustainable urbanization, tourism, entrepreneurship, rural and agricultural development, smart city, green finance, and so on.

2016 June 28- July 1 : "Capacity Building on Cultural Tourism Development in Asia and the Pacific Region" 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2016.04.08

"Capacity Building on Cultural Tourism Development in Asia and the Pacific Region"

Jeju, Republic of Korea, 28 June - 1 July 2016 (Tues - Fri)


Placing culture at the heart of development policy constitutes an essential investment in the world’s future and a pre-condition to successful globalization processes that take into account the principle’s cultural diversity (UNESCO, 2016) . Culture which refers to values, beliefs, languages, knowledge and wisdom has become recognized as a powerful source of sustainable development. It is a means to an intellectual and reciprocal development based on the understanding of traditions, customs, lifestyles and the landscape of one’s living. As such, culture is indispensable for sustainable development with its careful considerations on people’s satisfaction before and after the development implementation as a flexible on-going process.

Culture and tourism can complementarily interact when it comes to sustainable development. As tourism destinations inevitably involve the interface of the rich diversity of cultures and civilizations, culture is a good resource of development. Culture is commonly exposed in our daily life and provides easier access to the tourists, local groups and individuals to be involved in. Its familiarity to our life reduces barriers to entry into the tourism sector and increases people’s motivation to develop their own cultural products using creativity rather than massive investment finance. Therefore, it is regarded that tourism is a cost effective measure of economic development with its less invested infrastructure than that of manufacturing industry. In 2004, UNCTAD read this trend stating if the 49 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are taken together, tourism is the single most important source of foreign exchange earnings .

Moreover, many countries experienced the magic of trickledown effect that possibly promised the benefits for the local people through community transformation didn’t necessarily come true. In retrospect of the negative consequences including heritage degradation, therefore, there has been a widespread awareness raising on preserving and conserving a destination’s way of life, in/tangible heritage and nature. That is to say, cultural tourism development with quality through the community’s participation has gained more importance when it comes to the projects’ longevity for sustainable development.

In this sense, the workshop will offer lectures and group activities for participants to understand the complex relation of culture and tourism. Also, some best practices of cultural tourism will be presented through the case studies in Asia and Europe. There will be sessions to discuss some policies and visiting cultural project sites in practice in line with SDGs that could provide some inspirations. Finally, the workshop will help local actors effectively develop relevant policies to conserve and promote their cultural advantages and enhance diversification for the social, environmental and economic benefits for the peoples involved.

Event Objectives

The capacity building workshop, whilst promoting awareness and recognition on the importance of cultural tourism and sustainable development, will:

- Provide an opportunity for local governments and cities in the Asia-Pacific region to exchange tourism policies and best practices throughout city-to-city cooperation.
- Promote a learning atmosphere between cities and establish a strong network that they can utilize after the workshop.
- Offer a venue of knowledge transfer and discussion and inspire participants’ motivation to implement sustainable tourism policies in relation to culture.

Learning objectives

At the end of the workshop, through the action plan session, the participants will be able to:

- Understand cultural tourism trends and policy development in the context of 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
- Utilize the lessons learned from the cases of cultural tourism policy implementation in the Asia-Pacific region and internationally for their action plans.
- Have basic understanding of cultural tourism and deepen the ideas of sustainable practices for regional/city/local development through local people’s participation.
- Share best practices of the community/local government-driven tourism projects and understand its economic impacts on the regional development.
- Coordinate partnerships to effectively promote the benefits of cultural tourism policies with civil societies, government and local entrepreneurs.

Content and Structure

The training will include the following:

- [Session 1-1] Overview of cultural tourism
- [Session 1-2] Introduction to cultural tourism policies driven by local governments
- [Session 1-3] Economic impact of cultural tourism on the regional development
- [Session 2-1] Cultural heritage and sustainable tourism development (1)
- [Session 2-2] Cultural heritage and sustainable tourism development (2)
- [Session 3-1] Tourism projects driven by local people and artists
- [Session 3-2] Tourism revitalization through local resources
- [Session 4-1] Culture 21: consideration for local governments
- [Session 4-2] Culture21: a case study of Culture 21

** Sessions are on process and flexible to changes **


The training will be comprised of:

- Lectures by experts
- Case study presentation by local governments
- Self-assessment exercise
- Group work and discussion
- Action plan presentation
- Field visit to cultural tourism sites

Target Audience

- High-level authorities and experts from central and local/city governments
- Representatives from NGOs, region- & community-based organizations, academic and training institutions, and other local actors within the Asia-Pacific Region

** Participants should be expected to work in the related field for at least one year after the Workshop
** Participants should have sufficient command of both written and spoken English

Event Details

- Event type: workshop (training program)
- Date: 28st June ? 1st July 2016
- Venue: UNITAR Jeju International Training Center (JITC), Jeju-do, ROK
- Organizers: UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/JITC, UNITAR, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, and United Cities and Local Governments-Asia and Pacific (UCLG-ASPAC)
- Collaboration: Jeju Tourism Organization
- Certificate: UNITAR and UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/JITC will jointly issue a certificate upon completion of the training


Applicants are required to:

- Summit necessary documents on time, i.e., application forms etc.
- Complete and submit pre-training assignment, i.e., case study description etc.
- Actively participate in the training program
- Be fluent in written and spoken English

How to apply

Send the following documents to by 1st May 2016 (Sunday): :

1. Application form
2. Case study description
3. Letter of nomination
4. Letter of commitment
5. Acknowledgement, waiver and release of liability
6. Consent to collection, usage, and disclosure of personal information
7. Curriculum vitae (CV) ※ Your own form

※Document 1,2,3,4,5,6 can be downloaded from


- Late application will not be accepted.
- Applicants are subject to the selection process by UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/JITC
- Selected participants will be informed individually

Assistance with travel cost

- UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/JITC provides a LIMITED financial assistance with the airfare to Jeju-do, ROK.
- Expenses in Korea (transportation, accommodation and meals during the workshop) will be covered by CIFAL Jeju/JITC.
- All other expenses are the responsibility of the participants.
- Expenses will be reimbursed in cash on the last day of the workshop (1st, July)

CIFAL Jeju's air fare assistance limit

? Eastern Asia US$ 300 (from Mongolia US$ 400)
? South-Eastern Asia US$ 450 (from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar US$ 650)
? Southern Asia US$ 800 (from Sri Lanka US$ 700, from Nepal US$ 950)
? Pacific Islands US$ 1,200

* Other points of departure ? please contact UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/JITC.
* the table represents the maximum amount of financial assistant for a round-trip international air travel.

Attached : 1. AGENDA file for more info on airfare assistance. 2. APPLICATION form (including other forms)
[이 게시물은 Cifal Jeju님에 의해 2016-07-11 17:45:18 Future에서 이동 됨]


Jeju International Training Center affiliated with UNITAR ㅣ 227-24, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63546 Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-64-735-6585 ㅣ FAX : +82-64-738-4626 ㅣ E-mail :

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